Phrasebook - 회화사전
Go shopping

  Phrasebook: page 5


All the essential sentences you will need to go shopping.


  Go shopping


Buy clothes
보기만 하는 거예요.Bo-gi-man ha-neun geo-ye-yo.I am just looking.
저것을 보여 주세요.Jeo-geos-eul bo-yeo ju-se-yo.I would like to see that.
이거 다른 색 있어요.I-geo da-reun saeg iss-eo-yo.Would you have this in another colour?
이것보다 작은 사이즈 있어요?I-geos-bo-da jak-eun sa-i-jeu iss-eo-yo?Would you have this in a smaller size?
이것보다 큰 사이즈 있어요?I-geos-bo-da keun sa-i-jeu iss-eo-yo?Would you have this in a bigger size?
입어 보고 싶은데요.Ib-eo bo-go sip-eun-de-yo.I would like to try this.
너무 짧아요.Neo-mu jjarb-a-yo.This is too short.
너무 길어요.Neo-mu gil-eo-yo.This is too long.
좀 작아요.Jom jag-a-yo.This is a bit too small.
좀 커요.Jom keo-yo.This is a bit too big.
너무 작아요.Neo-mu jag-a-yo.This is too small.
너무 커요.Neo-mu keo-yo.This is too big.
비싸네요.Bi-ssa-ne-yo.This is expensive...
너무 비싸요.Neo-mu bi-ssa-yo.This is too expensive.
싼 거 있어요?Ssan geo iss-eo-yo?Would you have something less expensive??
조금 싸게 해주세요.Jo-geum ssa-ke hae-ju-se-yo.Could you lower the price a bit?